So do you ever get overwhelmed with all the jobs you need to do?
All you need is a spare 10 minutes and a pen and paper.
For 10 minutes
write down absolutely EVERYTHING on your mind so its a complete brain dump. The list is completely private so the whole point of it is to
completely clear your head of all those nagging little thoughts that
clutter so much of your head-space.
Put down
everything; worries with work, how much your partner is annoying you, a
family member you've fallen out with, that bill you've got to pay,
getting the car serviced.......anything and everything you can thing of.
When you feel like you've done that, just go down the list and cross off
anything that is outside your control. For example, you can't control
the world's economy so make a point of scrubbing it off your list as
feeling bad about it will just create negative energy and get you down.
Make a mental note to yourself and say 'I'm done worrying about this'.
It is such a liberating exercise and makes you feel so much better.
Next put a star next to all the things you do have control over. Note
the 10 most important of the items with a star next to them and JUST DO
IT as these are the very things that are stopping you progressing in
your life.
Only take the 10 most important and
make sure that they are based on priority NOT time.
Start on the hardest
tasks first and then the rest will be so much easier.
Action may not always bring happiness...
but there is no happiness without action.
Benjamin Disraeli