Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What is diligence?

What is diligence?

Diligence is not being slothful, that is to say, a not being afraid to work.

It is not hoping that things might go away but, rather, seeking for things to do.

A diligent person is never idle; he is continually searching for work to do.

He is always learning and growing and building and doing what needs to be done.



Friday, May 18, 2018

Tips on How to Connect with Spirit.

Do you know how to truly connect with your spirit? 

The following Five tips will help.

Listen to your body. This takes practice and a lot of trust. Our body knows how and has what it needs to heal itself. Try to resist the urge to just stuff yourself with medicine the moment you feel that’s something is wrong. Your body may be trying to tell you something important about your state of being. Pay attention.

Listen to your heart. What makes you happy? Do it! It doesn’t always mean leave your job. It means finding the space and time for what excites you and makes your soul feel alive and young.

Pause. We are conditioned to just keep going, keep working, keep moving, and keep churning when in fact, there is so much power, energy, healing and wisdom to be had from taking rests and appreciating the Now.

Love yourself. Nurture your Body. Give it what it needs: proper exercise, healthy food and good habits. Find a way to live with joy in your heart at all times. You owe it to yourself and your spirit.

Be grateful. The world is beautiful, and so are you. You have, inside of you, everything that you need to live a bountiful life. Celebrate it, and move forward.