Monday, October 1, 2018

Calendar for Necessity

If you want to tell where someones priorities are, then look at their calendar. If I was to look a calendar of how you spend your time each day, what would it tell me about your priorities?

We find time for the things we consider to be the most important.

If your calendar has large blocks of time where you are working on hobbies or watching TV, but you still struggle to find time to get things done in your business, then the priorities are clear. TV is more important than building your business.

I am not saying anything bad about hobbies or watching TV. If it makes you happy, then that is great. But if you want to change your life, then you have to make the actions that will create that change your top priority.

Each of us only has 24 hours in a day. The difference between those who achieve their goals and those who do not is how they spend them.

If you know that building an online business will make a difference in your life, but sometimes struggle with finding the motivation to actually do the work, then there are a few things you can do.

In his recent book High Performance Habits, the author Brendon Burchard talks about what high performers do to create and keep their motivation.

One of the things he talks about is their ability to Raise the Necessity.

If you see achieving a particular as absolutely necessary, then you are more likely to be willing to do the work to achieve it. If it is just a "nice to have", then you probably won't ever get it.

How can you raise the necessity?

One way is to think about WHO you are doing it for.

Most people are much more motivated to take action for someone they care about. If you child or spouse absolutely needed you to do something, you would probably find a way.

So the question is ... who are you trying to build your online business for?

How would having a successful online business improve the lives of the people you love?

Imagine their lives, if you have more resources and freedom. Imagine being able to work from anywhere. Imagine being able to pay for your children's education without debt. Imagine taking your loved ones on the vacation they always wanted.

That is what you are doing the work for. More importantly, that is WHO you are doing the work for.

If you do this daily, then you will find yourself much more motivated to get focused and accomplish the result.

Please leave a comment if you found this helpful, or if you have any tips to share.


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