Saturday, September 28, 2013

Attracting Your DREAM Payday

What if you didn't have to live payday to payday?  What if you had all the
money you wanted instead of overwhelming debt?

Maybe right now, that sounds too good to be true.

However, once you master the Law of Attraction, it can truly change
your financial outlook forever.

One part of the Laws of Attraction is that you get things according to the
energy you put out into the world.  The universe will respond to it and
send it back.

For example, one person might go to the mailbox and say, "I hope I don't
get too many bills today."  Another person might say, "I wonder who's
sending me money today."

Who do you think will have a better mail day, on the average?

Now obviously, "checks in the mail" doesn't appear in itself, I truly believe
action needs to be taken in combination with the expectation to reap
the reward.

Though the Laws of Attraction, suggest that the person who sends out
the negative energy of worry and fear will get more to worry about and
fear in return.

The person who is positive will get things to be joyful about.

In this example, he/she has a certain likelihood to actually get money
in the mail.

Money itself may be one of the more difficult things to manifest through the
Laws of Attraction.

Why? ...

It's just because it's hard to be passionate about money itself.

It is easier to get excited about the things money buys.

The Laws of Attraction work hundreds of times better if you are actually
PASSIONATE about something money can get you.

This translates into a high level of positive energy, or vibration, that you
are emitting into the universe.

It works to make things happen quickly.  If you can get that excited about money
itself, then the Laws of Attraction can bring you the money you desire.

More likely, the things you will be the most enthusiastic about will not be
little green slips of paper.  They will be vacations, houses, cars, maybe
even airplanes.

These things will excite you if you allow yourself to dream about them. Then
the Laws of Attraction can help you to get them.

If you want to use the Laws of Attraction, one way to intensify your
desires is to find some visual way to make them real.  Take pictures of the
things you want.

Post them around your house where you will see them often. This in turn
will bring you more of the energy you send out, make sure the images
in your home are conducive to a positive outlook.

Only when you are clear about exactly what you want can the Laws of
Attraction work for you.  Sometimes, you can't actually take a picture.
Sometimes it is easier to go through magazines and find pictures and
descriptions of what it is you want....

Cut them out and hang them up. As the universe will respond to your desires.

Then, too, you can seek out your dreams by going on homes tours and test
driving cars.  Whatever you can do to put yourself in contact with the
reality of your dreams helps.

People say that money doesn't buy happiness.  
It's true that money alone can't make you happy.   

However, if you use the powers of manifestation to improve your financial situation, that obviously can only be a good thing, so you can more easily give and help others. 

This I believe is the only thing that will bring true happiness to your life.


"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

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Life is an Adventure on IBS

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Become Happier In Life

Many people feel that
things like money, a better job, better relationships..etc
will make them happy. 

In reality, to find true contentment
you must look inside yourself and learn to be your own best
friend. That means you have to trust, love, and care for
yourself just as you do the people you consider to be close
to you.

Following are steps that you can incorporate into your life
that will help you to feel more empowered and happy about

Begin to lift yourself up, not put yourself down. If you
don't like something about yourself, work to change it. If
you can't change it, simply accept it. Don't beat up on
yourself with negative self-talk. You're not likely to
change for the better when you fill yourself with negative

Give yourself positive rewards. When you do something that
you are proud of give yourself a small reward. Try not to
wait for others to praise you because you may grow resentful
if the praise doesn't come. Pat your own back, it is a great
feeling that can stay with you for a long time.

Forgive yourself. I doubt that you would keep scolding a
child over and over for making a mistake so don't do that to
yourself. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness when you
make a mistake. After that, work to figure out what lesson
you can learn, and use it to make better choices the next
time around.

Enjoy your successes. Most people can remember all of the
details of depressing, painful or even embarrassing events
that happened many years ago. What if you did the same thing
with all of your wins? Try to remember all of the triumphs
and accomplishments that you've made and keep that memory
with you and think about it at least once a week.

Always remember to celebrate your wonderful qualities! You
will soon discover that the more you love yourself, the more
you will be able to give love to others - and the more
others will be able to love you!

Monsieur Patrick Clairvoyance Services

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Life is an Adventure'
Life is an Adventure on IBS

Monday, September 16, 2013

Someone Somewhere

We all get caught up with things that are going on in our
immediate environment, sometimes it's hard to imagine what's
going on somewhere else in the world.

  • While you are eating; somewhere, someone is hungry. 
  • As you are laughing; somewhere, someone is shedding a tear. 
  • While you are holding your newborn; somewhere, someone is dying.
  • As you are reciting your vows; somewhere, someone's heart is
  • being broken. 
  • When you were out dancing; somewhere, someone is learning how to walk all over again. 
  • While you are singing; somewhere, someone is praying for their voice to be heard.

Life has its ups and downs. You are not guaranteed a great
time every moment of every day. You learn to grab and hold
on to those moments that make you smile and your heart feel
good. You have to experience the bad things so that you can
appreciate the good things, you have to have something to
compare the good times to. Just as you know what it's like
to be surrounded by loving people, you also know what it
feels like to be alone, but you don't want to be lonely.

To me we are not all different, we are all the same. 
We just haven'trealized it yet, that will take generations to come. There is no good or bad, just what our perception of it is, and
that perception varies from one generation to the next.

For those who have a hardened heart, while you wallow in
anger and spend your precious time and energy seeking ways
to seek revenge; someone somewhere is wrapping their loving
arms around a baby struggling to breathe. You can either
carry on old ways, or look at this baby, (a new life, a new
breath), and see it as hope for a new generation that knows
no anger, that knows only love; and you can teach it how to
give and receive. The gift you give yourself is prosperity
which is produced from love.

Just as you experience both good and bad events in your
life, you also have choices to do good and bad things. Your
heart is either pure; to help mankind make a better world
for the next generation, or your heart has been hardened by
past events and you cannot see outside of your own hatred
and despair. Only you know the difference, and only you can
change things. 

Give love and hope, not hate and despair.

Which would you want your child to know?

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Life is an Adventure'
Life is an Adventure on IBS

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bob Proctor - Believe It, Expect It You'll Have It!

It's as simple as what Bob Proctor is saying!

Just Believe it, Expect it, and you'll have it!

Learn to use the mind to create your reality instead of just reacting to it.

Anything is possible if you learn the "secrets" to controlling your life.

Please enjoy Bob Proctor in a rare seminar!

In summary - 3 steps to live by.

1.    Build the image - visualise what you want.

2.    Turn it over to spirit - God will provide all you have to do is ask
        in the form of feelings        "let go and let god".

3.    Expect it with your heart and soul and spirit will reward you openly for your faith.

Bob's money affirmation (taken from another transcript).

i am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources on the continuous basis.

Friday, September 6, 2013

R U OK Day - 12 september

R U OK? Day 2013 – 12 September 2013

Ask one question & save a life - what a great Idea....

Just three little words could save someone's life and no they aren't 'I love you'. Although that would be great also but I am actually talking about asking someone, 'Are you ok'? Or in this case, R U Ok? Seems simple doesn't it, however, we get so caught up in our own lives that it's easy to forget to ask.


Below are some simple steps to start a conversation - this is something I believe we should try to do EVERYDAY - but R U OK day is a great start :-)

This is taken from the R U Ok Day? Website:

1. Ask R U OK?

Start a general conversation; preferably somewhere private.
Break the ice with a joke.
Build trust through good eye contact, open and relaxed body language.
Ask open–ended questions.
'What's been happening? How are you going?'
'I've noticed that... What's going on for you at the moment?'
'You don't seem like yourself and I'm wondering are you ok? Is there anything that's contributing?'

2. Listen without judgement

Guide the conversation with caring questions and give them time to reply.
Don't rush to solve problems for them.
Help them understand that solutions are available when they're ready to start exploring these.
'How has that made you feel?'
'How long have you felt this way?'
'What do you think caused this reaction?'

3. Encourage action

Summarise the issues and ask them what they plan to do
Encourage them to take one step, such as see their doctor
'Would you like me to make an appointment or come with you?'

4. Follow up

Put a note in your diary to call them in one week. If they're desperate, follow up sooner.
Ask if they've managed to take that first step and see someone
If they didn't find this experience helpful, urge them to try a different professional because there's someone out there who can help them.
'How are things going? Did you speak with your doctor?'
'What did they suggest? What did you think of their advice?'
'You've had a busy time. Would you like me to make the appointment?'

Meaningful conversations and a sense of connection are what make us feel valued and supported. The R U OK? Foundation hopes to empower and encourage people to make a difference to the significant and devastating issue of suicide in Australia. On Thursday, 12th September ask the question and help make every conversation count.

Article courtesy of  
Check their website for more great info.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fwd: 7 ways to stop stress from crippling your mind and your body

I received this sales email from Carolyn and because of the great content thought it worthy of sharing in it's entirety - enjoy.

Hi Ian,

This is Carolyn Hansen.

Is your life stressful?

I know that mine is at times. Very stressful. But I have come
to realize that stress is something you can never completely
escape. Not if you want to improve your lot in life.

It is like the inseparable ying and yang of ancient eastern
ways of thinking. Progress and stress go hand in hand in this
world of ours. Very, very few of us manage to skate by on
a stress-free life.

But you definitely CAN minimize the influence that stressful
events have on your mind and body by learning how to deliberately
create your own path to success, no matter what your particular
goals might be. My friend, Dr. Robert Anthony, of whom I have
spoken in the past, is one of the foremost experts in this area:

Learn The Secret of Deliberate Creation

He understands, probably better than anyone, that stress can
cripple the mind and forestall your goals - sometimes for an
entire lifetime! Well, I'm going to remind you today that stress
is also a major player in the deterioration of one's long-term

As a fitness professional I can tell you that unchecked stress
is responsible for a host of debilitating conditions. Not only
can it lead to nervous exhaustion and raise the likelihood of
a cardiovascular incident that can rob you of years of life,
stress also does a terrific job of lowering your metabolism
and causing you to start accruing nuisance pounds around your
midsection. That's right - prolonged stress can make you fat!

So what can you do about this?

I am not going to pretend that everyone faces the same kind of
stresses daily that I do, or the clients I advise daily who are
constantly looking for ways to minimize the stresses that plague
them. But I can offer you SEVEN stress-management strategies
which can be used to reduce the stresses in your life:

[1] Lower Your Exposure To Media

You are unlikely to be surprised when I tell you that the majority
of information coming from television and newspapers is negative
and causes fear and worry. Sure, we all want to stay connected to
the outside world and know what is going on. But the majority of
that information is delivered after being filtered according to
what sells. Bad news draws us back to the media source more than
good news does. An unfortunate side effect is stress, but it does
keep the media companies in business. Realize this and try to keep
the world picture they paint in perspective.

[2] Sever Your Toxic Relationships

Your relationships with other people, especially those you see on
a daily basis, have probably the most profound influence on the
quality of your life. Toxic relationships, which are all too
common, can be a source of extreme stress. If you have people in
your life who are obnoxious, controlling, disrespectful or
unnecessarily intimidating, you need to find a way to minimize
your exposure to them. This can be hard to do, but the payoff
in stress reduction can be HUGE.

[3] Revise Your Nutrition And Your Exercise Schedule

I'll cover this in more detail some other time, since I can write
volumes on this subject! The most important thing I can remind you
about is that food with poor nutritional content (which is just
about every piece of food you have access to during your working
hours) is going to poison your system and stress your metabolic
and nervous systems. On the same note, unless you are exercising
with the intent of reversing the effects of aging, your lack of
physical activity will only compound the other effects of stress
in your life.

[4] Get A Decent Amount Of Sleep

Try to get a full 8 hours of sleep each night. I read about a
recent study which showed that people who lack sleep end up
gaining more weight than those who get proper rest. Lack of
sleep elevates your stress, and stressed out people eat more
junk food to try to relax themselves. At least, that's my take
on this.

[5] Meditate

Meditation is a wonderful way to cleanse your mind. It can help
eliminate obsessive thoughts which worry you unnecessarily.
Meditation also gives you an opportunity to focus your attention
on developing practical plans of action for getting what you
want, and for creative problem solving. This is a habit that has
been practiced for thousands of years, and for good reason,
it works!

[6] Bring A Pet Into Your Home

While I think this is especially good advice if you are single,
studies also show that couples who have pets have a better
chance of maintaining a healthy relationship. I have two dogs that
help keep me grounded and more physically active than I otherwise
would be (since I have to take them on long walks). Pets add a
great deal of joy to your life because their love is unconditional
and they are always there when you need them. Also, they give you
a greater sense of purpose in your life because you have something
counting on you for survival.

[7] Increase Your Financial Independence

I left this one til last because I wanted to underscore its
importance. Lack of money is right up there as a source of
severe stress in the lives of most people. Many personal
relationships come apart at the seams when money does not
materialize at the rate that people had hoped for, and it can
be easy to blame the other person for where you are now in
your life. This is why getting on top of wealth creation can
be one of the most important things you can do to reduce the
stresses in your life.

For this, I can offer no one better to show you how to go
about achieving this goal than Dr. Robert Anthony, and his
widely acclaimed book "The Secret of Deliberate Creation":

Click here to discover The Secret of Deliberate Creation

There is a good reason why the number of books he has sold
reaches into the millions, and you will discover why when you
begin to read the story behind his own journey to success.

By the way, you'll find that Robert is bundling a large
number of titles from his library as bonuses for "The Secret
of Deliberate Creation". So this is a particularly good
title of his to grab if you want to get the full story.

To a better, more stress free life,

Carolyn Hansen

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

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Life is an Adventure on IBS