Monday, September 10, 2018

Manifesting isn't easy...but it IS simple (the 3 game-changers)

Manifesting is not "easy," but it IS simple.  It comes down to 3 game-changers, 
which, when you learn how to do them right, become a habit.

Then the ease arrives.   
These are the 3 game-changers:

>  Desire. You MUST know your ultimate desire.  The first shift is to be full to the brim with conviction and clarity.

>  Focus. You must be fierce and unshakeable in your focus.  You must learn HOW to handle anyone and anything that breaks your focus.

>  Feel. The affirmation and the vision board matter WAY less than the feeling behind them.  This is where most people stumble--They're in their head, and are not authentically feeling the success/freedom/flow in their body.  But when you DO feel the desire authentically, God is able to move and respond in your life.

The hardest part is getting the clear picture in your head of what you want to achieve, and really feeling it like you already have it.  Once you have felt it and "know" it in thought, law of attraction kicks in to make the thought a reality - you still have to work and do all you can each day, but just be happy to know it's coming.


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