Monday, May 20, 2019

Are you willing to give up your story of struggle?

When talking about being the creators of our life, we talk about our "stories"

Stories are a sequence of thoughts that we convince ourselves are real. A story may be about the past, the present or the future. It may be about things we should do, what can be, what they could do, or what they are.

Stories are untested, non-investigated theories that tell us what things mean. The problem is we don't seem to realize most of our stories are just assumptions.

I personally have never experienced a stressful feeling that wasn't caused by attaching to an untrue thought or fear.

Rather than understand the original cause, we try to change our stressful feelings by looking outside of ourselves. It is easy to get swept away by some overwhelming feeling so it is helpful to remember that any stressful feeling is like a compassionate messenger that says - "you are caught up in your story".

Depression, pain, fear, doubt and worry are gifts that say "take a look at what you are thinking right now. You're living in a story that is not true for you. When we get caught in the illusion, we try to alter the stressful feeling rather than deal with the thought behind it. That's why I say that any negative emotion is an alarm clock that is designed to wake you up to the fact that there's a thought that you may want to investigate and get rid of. Inquiry and investigation of any thought that is untrue will always lead you back to happiness and who you really are.

It is simple logic. Before the thought you were not suffering. With the thought you are suffering. When you recognize the thought isn't true, you will go back to not suffering and return to happiness.

Self inquiry is the way to end all suffering and to experience peace, even in a world of apparent chaos. Above all else, self inquiry is about realizing that all the answers you will ever need are inside of you and are always available to you if you are willing to give up your story.

Feeling trapped, stuck and helpless? Need the courage to make some life changes? Eager to follow your dreams before it’s too late? 

 Be Happy in LIFE Books & Workshops may help :-)

Have an awesome day

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Letting go of the familiar

Letting go of the familiar 

 Many people will live the same day over and over again, sometimes for a lifetime, because they're not willing to let go of familiar habits of thinking, feeling and believing. 

Sometimes its about making a different move, doing something that isn't familiar, and maybe even uncomfortable, not dangerous though. It will take courage in the moment to move in a way you're not familiar with. When you do, you create new neuronal pathways in your brain, in your nervous system. it may be awkward at the first attempt, just like your first dance lesson or aerobic class. 
 The discomfort will pass and there will be growth. And the place that was unfamiliar is now the new normal.
  •  Think about what you're wanting to change. 
  • Think about WHY its important to you. 
  • Think of what the end result would look like to you if everything worked in your favor.
  •  Imagine yourself, in full color, living that life. 
  • What if?
In order to get new results, we make space for it. Nature hates a vacuum. Once we take the step to let go of something that isn't serving us, know that makes space to welcome everything you've been waiting for.