It’s the little things we do consistently over time that have the greatest impact on our lives – not the big ‘flash in the pan’; here today gone tomorrow things that we start but fail to follow through on.
The Hard Yards
It’s wrong to measure success simply by how much money a person has; it’s more about whether or not they do the hard yards long enough to actually achieve the things that are important to them. Yes …money is fundamental; without it we spend our lives chasing it down so we can the pay bills and – by default – we never really live to enjoy the money we make because we are too busy ‘making it’! Your success is a mere reflection of the relationships you cultivate, the changed lives you had a positive impact on, the hobbies you pursued, your health and spiritual well being etc.
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
The Penny Has Dropped
You may be a student or someone new to the workforce. Perhaps you recently married but are yet to have a family or maybe, like me, the penny has well and truly dropped and you realise that life is ‘but a moment’ and passes quickly, and seems to pass quicker as the years go by. Managing your time becomes more important.