Sunday, May 27, 2012

How your mind can achieve greatness

Your mind is a vast, largely unexplained resource of energy and power.

A lucky few can tap into the rest of their brain's extra, unconscious potential and use it to attract more more money, love, health and happiness into their lives

For example, did you know?

  • The hit song "Yesterday" by the Beatles, was first born when Paul McCartney composed the entire melody in his sleep. Upon waking, he hurried to a piano and played the tune to avoid forgetting it.
  • That Frederick Banting first isolated insulin (a main treatment for diabetes) with the help of a dream.
  • Oscar winner David Seidler was able to "think" cancer away, and has fully recovered since.

Isn't that amazing?! Just imagine what you could do if you truly harnessed the power of your mind!

Video - Consciousness, Creativity & The Brain ( A McKenna Perspective )

This is a curious and often comical video, it's popular on you tube, food for thought...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Love is the greatest force

Love is the greatest force that exists in the world. I’m talking about unconditional love, not the kind that exists between two people. Total love is powerful energy few of us make enough use of.

 If you impregnate everything you do with love, your life will be a success. Love has been the basis of all great discoveries and inventions in human history, and will continue to be so in future. Without love you can’t do much.

People have constructed immense temples, churches, mosques and monasteries, simply out of love for the supreme vibration, or the Being they venerate.

Others made all kinds of discoveries to improve the lives of their fellow men.

No matter what field we’re talking about – medicine, technology, transportation, communication, space travel, etc. – researchers, scientists, doctors and explorers ultimately achieve what they do for the benefit of humanity. Those who try to spread evil will always be defeated by the force of love, which is stronger than the force of hate. Hate can cause a lot of damage, but it always loses in the end.

The law of attraction—like attracts like—influences all energy, including our thoughts of love or hate. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes.

Put some love into everything you do, each and every day. Not only will you attain your goals faster, you’ll spread the energy of good around you, and eventually be rewarded, either materially or spiritually.

At the same time, you should practice unconditional love without hoping for any rewards in return. Just be loving in your thoughts, words and deeds, and your life will soon be a success.