Thursday, April 17, 2014

Meditation for an abundant life

Once thought of as a ritual performed by men who shaved their heads, wore long robes and lived in a mountain cave, this mind quieting, stress relieving natural self-healing practice is becoming so commonplace that corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Google and Hughes Aircraft recognize the intuitive powers of it and offer meditation classes to their employees.

This audio created by Bob Proctor and Mind valley will help you to relax, step back and visualize the abundance which is already there, but which might have not been within your reach yet. It will guide you into a relaxed state of mind and then take you on a guided journey into your future.

Having the ability to quiet one's mind and retreat to a thought-free state of calmness opens the connection to higher intelligence and greatly enhances problem-solving abilities. In addition, with practice and coaching you can develop the ability to ask pointed questions and receive answers to them through this same dynamic channel.

The number of miracles born out of a regular practice of meditation are untold. From loosing weight and quitting smoking, to manifesting more money and physical items, to rekindling relationships and curing terminal diseases, millions of accounts of miracles just like these are attributed to meditation.

For more miracles, I suggest checking out:

(Note: I am not affiliated with these sites, but have much respect for the work they do :-)

Have a fantastic day,

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