Saturday, October 13, 2012

Become a Master of Time Management

Time is an important factor that has to be managed properly to make progress. 

Good time-management is an essential element for attaining your goals and being successful, but also seems to be one of the hardest things to do. 

Stephen Covey, in his book "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People" describes time as being separated into four quadrants.

As the saying goes, time wasted is time lost. We cannot avoid Quadrant I activities, but the place we should try to operate our lives from most of the time is Quadrant II activities, as these will bring you closer to your goals and make the other sections smaller  and easier to manage. 

Its all too easy to get lost in social chats, email or watching TV and YouTube, (Quadrant III and IV activities), I know because I catch myself doing it more than I'd like to admit.

We should try to be conscious of the fact that each minute that passes only occurs once. When it’s over, you lose one more opportunity to achieve your objectives.

Every minute of your life should be devoted to some useful occupation. That doesn’t mean your schedule has to be constraining, or overburden you with too many things to do. When that happens you get discouraged, and you could give-up too soon. 

Divide your time between work – occupations designed to help you make progress in getting what you want in your professional life – and leisure activities that help you relax, and get rid of some of the stress you accumulate on your quest for success.I'm talking about taking action, little steps, making time to give to others, make someone smile and take a few moments each day to be grateful for what you have.

Devote two thirds of your time to your projects, and one third to leisure. That will balance your use of time perfectly, and enable you to move forward more quickly towards attaining the life of your dreams. Positive and creative time-management is something all successful people know how to do.

The way we show up for our lives today and tomorrow has an enormous affect on who we will be and what we will be experiencing years from now. If we can remain fully engaged in the day at hand, enjoying all it has to offer and putting our energy into making the most of our time, we will find that we are perfectly ready and capable to handle any future when it arrives.

Further tips and a very good video on time management can be seen on blog post Time Management Tips, How To Focus & Get More Done.

Take the first step and smile... 
become the master of your own time.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
-- Tony Robbins

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