Monday, October 17, 2011

Ideas for motivation

Here is one word to live by in every aspect of your life. This video outlines how you can be the best at everything you do, just like the greats of sports, business and politics.

Passion and motivation are key factors in going forward in life. CEO Peter Bregman provides the following tips:

Why do many people have trouble focusing on what really needs to get done?

For a few reasons. First of all, there’s so much to do – and everything is screaming for attention – that it’s hard to distinguish what’s important and what’s peripheral. Everything seems important. In the face of so many things to do, it’s hard to distinguish what really matters.

Also, we tend to procrastinate most on the things that are most important to us. We are afraid of failure – if something is really important to me and I don’t succeed, what would that say about me and my future? – So we have trouble even getting started on the things that matter most to us. In those situations, we need to force ourselves to begin. Start in the morning, before opening your email.

What 18 minutes can help you really accomplish.

18 Minutes is not a lot of time. But spread throughout the day it can have an incredible impact. Divide the 18 minutes into 5 minutes in the morning, 1 minute each hour, and 5 minutes in the evening. Use the morning minutes to get focused, hourly minutes to regain focus, and the evening minutes to recap, learn, and prepare for the next day. 18 minutes creates a structure to the day that helps to get your most important things done.

Should you try and get all your work done by the end of the day?

It is unlikely that you will ever get “all” your work done. For most of us, there’s simply too much to do for any human being to get it all done. Instead, we have to figure out what the “right” things are to get done.

Choose things that matter most and also choose things that you are willing to ignore. Then ignore the things that don’t matter and schedule what you want to get done onto your calendar. If you decide when and where you are going to do something, you’ll get it done. If you don’t, you won’t. We should all be working off our calendars, not our task lists.

What are the four elements that form the foundation of your success and happiness?

We are most happy when we are working at the intersection of our strengths, weaknesses, differences, and passions. That’s our sweet spot. When we are making full use of our strengths, leveraging (not developing) our weaknesses, doing things we are uniquely qualified and positioned to do, and spending our time on activities that give us energy because we love them, then we will be successful and happy.

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