Make It A Morning Ritual, you can't beat fresh.
Start off your day with some High Vibes! Create a magical morning with a delicious smoothie using ingredients straight from your garden. (If you don't have a garden, no worries, you can still do this!) I do suggest you at least have a windowsill herb garden. I want a windowsill mint garden. Spearmint, Chocolate Mint, Orange Mint and Pineapple Mint would be my choices. Right now I just have pots of normal mint, parsley and the like.. I need to get busy on the others.
Use the energies of the garden to infuse your morning drink with the vibration you are wanting to attract. Each piece of fruit and herb you place into your smoothie gives off a certain vibe! When you deliberately choose to eat high vibrational foods, you change your own frequency, helping you to vibrate at a higher level of consciousness. You will know its high vibration very quickly as you can feel it in your body.
Think about each fresh item and what energy they provide for your body, on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Every blueberry, lemon, strawberry and mint leaf can be aligned with your specific intentions.
Blueberries are shaped with a 5 point star and are symbolic of the 5 elements. According to Ayurvedic traditions, these five elements are also represented in our body and each element is responsible for different structures and functions in the human body.
The element Earth forms all solid structures, i.e. the bones and tissues, flesh and skin, and hair.
Water forms all bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, sweat, urine, and semen.
The element Air is responsible for movement and breath.
Fire creates heat and drives our needs like hunger, thirst, passion and sleep.
The Space element is deeply connected to our inner wisdom and intuition and determines our fears.
Every one of you contain all of these 5 elements in your body, but you are all unique, so you all have different proportions of each.
As you eat blueberries, see you body within a star and visualize a protective field around your aura, keeping those low vibes away.
Lemons are bright and cheerful, giving off happy vibes, mainly because they are excellent purifiers and super cleansing! Not only do they help to rid your body of germs they are also helpful in ridding your spirit of negative energies. As you squeeze a lemon into your smoothie, allow the aroma to purify your senses, so that you attract more of those high vibrational energies.
Strawberries, so delicious and wonderful, are brimming with adoring, ripe, sweet, and sentimental energies. These exquisite bits of natural product have been utilized for quite a long time to support sentiment, ripeness and love. Simply investigate how they fill in the nursery, repeating through runners, well that is devotion. Add a couple of delightful strawberries to your smoothie however first sneak a nibble. As you bring a chomp into the pleasantness, feel the adoration and enthusiasm going through you.
Mint releases a clarifying aroma, and boy is it aggressive in the garden! With the right growing conditions, this herb will take over and spread. Hint: I always plant mine in a container. Mint is symbolic of abundance and prosperity, and not just with your finances, but with health, love, success, and more. Who wouldn’t want to start each day out with that intention?
When you are preparing you're morning smoothie, be mindful of what ingredients you’re adding, and take a few minutes to think about the specific energy you're wanting to attract each day.