Unfortunately we are surrounded by a lot of negative energy. Yet, if we can raise our energy, we will start to feel ourselves pulling out of the negative that surrounds us.
The energy in our environment is often pulling us down so we have to protect ourselves by aligning ourselves with people and situations that do not lower us, sounds hard doesn't it?
How can we build up our energy?
By only focusing on things that make us feel good. I have also found associating with like-minded people raises my energy faster than anything else because I am surrounded by the groups combined energy. The problem is, when I leave that uplifting energetic environment and go back to my normal daily routine, that higher energy level is often dissipated.
The easiest way to do this is to make the decision that you will feel "good". That's all it takes.
If you feel "bad" in any moment, reach for a thought that makes you feel just a little bit better and see what happens. One of the fastest ways to open the flow of health and riches into your life is to help other people raise their energy.
Since energy is transferable without having to say a word, you can raise the energy level of the people around you just by sending them your thoughts.
Try this experiment. As you come into contact with other people, especially the ones that seem unhappy or stressed, take a moment and project a good feeling toward them. Say something like. "I wish the best for you." Or better yet, say "I love you". Now I know this is not easy, but the rewards will be well worth your time and effort if you do it consistently, moment by moment and day by day. It has an accumulative affect that will simply amaze you.
If you are like most people you will read this and say, "I cannot see how this is going to help my money situation". The money you desire will flow into your life in direct proportion to the energy level or consciousness you are willing to maintain. The same with health and success.
Now you have two choices. You can read this and forget about it, saying I know this is true but do nothing about it, OR you can DO something about it.
Just try it for a week and see what a difference it makes in your life.