Meditation is one of our favorite rituals that can improve almost any aspect of our lives. (Inner peace, success, relaxing, relationships, etc)
Here are 5 tips (for beginners) that you can apply instantly and improve your meditating experience:
1. Do it first thing each morning. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and just use this time to meditate every morning
2. Remove Distractions. Turn off your cell phone, put it on vibrate, or leave it in another room. You want to be in a place without distractions.
3. Have fun with your practice. Allow yourself to really enjoy your meditation session. Have fun with it.
4. Really commit yourself. Don't just say, "Sure, I'll try this for a couple days." Really commit yourself to this. In your mind, be locked in, for at least a month.
5. Meditate with others. Whether it's with friends, family members, your partner, a coach, or an organization, by meditating in a group it'll help you stay committed to the practice. Moreover, you can share your experiences afterward.
I hope you enjoy and apply those tips instantly...