Saturday, October 4, 2014

Redesign Your World - Subliminal Guru

Subliminal recordings can help you change any area of your life you desire!

They can help you reach your ideal weight, think more positively, adopt a millionaire's mindset, increase confidence levels, sleep better, and more, buy delivering phrases and affirmations in a way that has an impact on the subconscious mind.

For example, a subliminal may the phrase “I feel great!” and then embed that phrase inside a piece of music. By using special audio techniques,  the conscious mind can barely hear the affirmation, yet it remains clear to the subconscious mind

This process can help you automatically rewire long-standing thinking patterns – helping you to think more positively, lose weight, or gain confidence, for example.

There are a number of methods used in the making of subliminal recording, including:

Whisper Method – This involves subtly placing spoken affirmations at a point where they are barely audible, except to the subconscious mind

Stereo Confusion – This involves overlapping different affirmations in the left/right channels simultaneously. This overwhelms the conscious mind, but allows the commands to seep down into the subconscious. This process may done at regular volume, or just barely audible

Lightning Technique – This involves increasing the speed, but not the pitch, of the affirmations being spoken, and repeating them over and over, at a barely audible level. The conscious mind cannot interpret this, but the subconscious can

Reverse Speech – This involves playing the affirmations in reverse, at a barely audible level. It has a lesser body of evidence surrounding it, but such affirmations are believed to be interpreted by the subconscious and not the conscious mind.

They can help you reach your ideal weight, think more positively, adopt a millionaire's mindset, increase confidence levels, sleep better, and more.

Whatever you wish to achieve, a subliminal recording can help support you, with virtually no extra effort – all by listening to a simple MP3, while you get on with your day.

"A man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its
original dimensions."

Gerald Holton