Sunday, December 23, 2012

Loving Life With A Positive Mindset

Loving life means trying to live a fulfilled life. For many people, it can be pretty hard to enjoy living a life full of problems and worries. 

There are a number of things we can do to love life more:

Positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is looking into the good things in life more rather than its bad side. Having a positive mindset can help a person stay focused on what is needed to love life and  is not as difficult as you may think.

One of the important things to remember in life is that the way we think can influence greatly the way we act. By thinking always on the positive, we are reinforcing our attitude to focus on what good life has to offer. 


One way of creating a positive state of mind is by simply appreciating having a life. Some people may tend to forget that life itself is short of miraculous. Just the daily functions that life goes through tend to be overlooked most of the time. 

Gratitude is the key here, Try thinking of 5 things a day to be grateful for when you get up in the morning. You will see a positive shift in your day and outlook. it could be family, friends, having a car, having food on the table or shoes on your feet. There are so many things we can be grateful for everyday. Joe Vital

The Simple Things

Another way of developing a positive mindset is by trying to focus on the simple things in life. Life can be so simple and enjoyed more if people only learn to be content. But because some people strive for something more, complications ensue. 

By just focusing on the simple things in life, you try to avoid making life a little more complicated. Worrying won't get you anywhere, only deeper into a hole that you may be building for yourself. The more you worry, the deeper the hole gets and the harder it will be to get out from it.


Another way to develop a positive mindset in life is to share what you feel or give to others all around you. You may not be aware of it, but loving and enjoying life can be contagious. If you have a positive mindset, try to share it with others by helping them think positively for a change. For example, just by smiling at someone shows how good you feel about loving life, they might just follow your example and spread the cheer.

 Action may not always bring happiness...
but there is no happiness without action.

By: Benjamin Disraeli


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Willpower is your "self-control muscle".

Willpower is your "self-control muscle" that helps us commit to, and complete, our goals.

Like all muscles, willpower needs to be trained. Start with something small: perhaps giving up a snack for a piece of fruit or hold-off checking your Facebook account during work hours. Set yourself a goal and concentrate on completing it. 

When you think about giving in - don't

Temptation will always be there but starting small will help develop your self-control and allow you to set greater goals in the future.

Remember, your willpower is like every other muscle and needs to be looked after as such. Like your biceps or triceps, it needs rest and relaxation before tackling another workout. When you feel your willpower waning, take the time to rest. If rest is not an option, research shows that thinking about someone who has incredible willpower, such as world leaders and successful 
athletes, can help boost your own self-control recovery.

Another option is a pick-me-up, something that puts you in a good mood, lifts your spirits - listening to a favorite song, calling a friend or reflecting on a past success are good examples.

Willpower, like a muscle, will grow stronger in time. Recent studies show that daily activities such as workout routines, keeping track of your finances or eating correctly can help 
strengthen your resolve and put you on the path to greater self-control.

Remember the three most important things to building and maintaining your willpower are:

1.       Willpower isn't an infinite source so take a break before 
          taking on a new challenge.

2.       Speed up your recovery by lifting your spirits when you 
          feel the tank is running a bit low

3.       Start small. Before tackling a big goal (such as quitting 
          smoking), start with something almost mundane and grow 
          from there.
