All the joy and passion you can imagine can be yours right now, rather than the future.
The time we are blessed with is limited and tends to be used up all too quickly.
How we utilize that time is one of the most important decisions we make. Yet it is far too easy to put off until tomorrow what we are dreaming of today.
The hectic pace of modern existence affords us an easy out; we shelve our aspirations so we can cope more effectively with the challenges of the present, ostensibly to have more time and leisure to realize our purpose in the future. Or we tell ourselves that we will chase our dreams someday once we have accomplished other lesser goals.
In truth, it is our fear that keeps us from seeking fulfillment in the here and now—because we view failure as a possibility, our reasons for delaying our inevitable success seem sound and rational. If we ask ourselves what we are really waiting for, however, we discover that there is no truly compelling reason why we should put off the pursuit of dreams.
When we look decisively at our life, "Why not now, indeed!" we are empowered to begin changing our lives this very moment. We procrastinate for many reasons, from a perceived lack of time to a legitimate lack of self-belief, but the truth of the matter is that there is no time like the present and no time but the present.
Whatever we aim to accomplish, we will achieve it more quickly and with a greater degree of efficiency when we seize the day and make the most of the resources we have at our disposal right now.
All the joy, passion, and contentment you want can be yours right now, rather than in some far-flung point in time. You need only remind yourself that there is nothing standing between you and fulfillment.
If you decide that today is the day you will take your destiny into your hands, you will soon discover that you hold the keys of fate.
The time we are blessed with is limited and tends to be used up all too quickly.
How we utilize that time is one of the most important decisions we make. Yet it is far too easy to put off until tomorrow what we are dreaming of today.
The hectic pace of modern existence affords us an easy out; we shelve our aspirations so we can cope more effectively with the challenges of the present, ostensibly to have more time and leisure to realize our purpose in the future. Or we tell ourselves that we will chase our dreams someday once we have accomplished other lesser goals.
In truth, it is our fear that keeps us from seeking fulfillment in the here and now—because we view failure as a possibility, our reasons for delaying our inevitable success seem sound and rational. If we ask ourselves what we are really waiting for, however, we discover that there is no truly compelling reason why we should put off the pursuit of dreams.
When we look decisively at our life, "Why not now, indeed!" we are empowered to begin changing our lives this very moment. We procrastinate for many reasons, from a perceived lack of time to a legitimate lack of self-belief, but the truth of the matter is that there is no time like the present and no time but the present.
Whatever we aim to accomplish, we will achieve it more quickly and with a greater degree of efficiency when we seize the day and make the most of the resources we have at our disposal right now.
All the joy, passion, and contentment you want can be yours right now, rather than in some far-flung point in time. You need only remind yourself that there is nothing standing between you and fulfillment.
If you decide that today is the day you will take your destiny into your hands, you will soon discover that you hold the keys of fate.
Your words and thoughts have physical power.