Saturday, November 19, 2011

When you make a mistake, learn from it.

You can only make progress towards attaining the life you desire if you learn from your mistakes.

Don’t try to stop making mistakes, because that’s impossible. The more you try, the more mistakes you’ll make, of that you can be certain.

Be relaxed in your day-to-day life and act without being afraid of failing. Be bold and do things that bring you closer to the life you want. Liberate yourself through action.

When you make a mistake, analyze it immediately and determine what worked and what didn’t. Try to understand where and when you made a bad choice or a wrong decision.

Be humble. Before you blame someone else, admit that you may have made a mistake. Don’t deny you’ve failed and blame exterior circumstances. That’s the worst possible attitude to adopt.

Analyze your behavior objectively. Look at it from all angles, and find the fault or faults that caused you to fail. And don’t worry, it’s not a catastrophe – everyone fails at some time or other.

Don’t judge yourself, or think that by throwing the first stone your ideas or your being have no value, because you’re incapable of succeeding. Above all, don’t give up!

Recognize your errors, understand why you failed, and learn from it! Only then can you make progress.

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."

        - John Wooden
