Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Achieve Your Goals with Healthy Habits

We’ve all felt the disappointment that comes from setting a goal and giving up on it after a couple of weeks. Sustaining motivation for a long-term goal is hard to achieve, and yet the best goals can usually only be accomplished in a few months or even years. 

Here’s the solution: Focus instead on creating a new habit that will lead to achieving your goal. 

Want to get out of debt and start saving? Create the habit of brown bagging it to work, or watching DVDs instead of going to the movies, or whatever change will lead to saving money for you. By focusing not on what you have to achieve over the course of the next year, but instead on what you are doing each day, you are focusing on something achievable. That little daily change will add up to a huge change, over time … and you’ll be surprised at how far you’ve come in no time. 

Little grains of sand can add up to a mountain over time. In a previous post "Waiting for someday" there is a video compilation of Will Smith, and in it he speaks of building a brick wall, instead of focusing on building a wall, you should everyday "focus on laying one brick, as perfectly as a brick can be laid, and pretty soon you have a wall".

Now, changing your habits isn’t easy but is achievable, especially if you start small … take baby steps at first. How do you change your habits? Focus on one habit at a time, and follow these steps: 

1. Positive changes. If you’re trying to change a negative habit (quit smoking), replace it with a positive habit (running for stress relief, for example). 

2. Take on a 30-day challenge. Tell yourself that you’re going to do this habit every day, at the same time every day, for 30 straight days without fail. Once you’re past that 30-day mark, the habit will become much easier. If you fail, do not beat yourself up. Start again on a new 30-day challenge. Practice until you succeed. 

3. Commit yourself completely. Don’t just tell yourself that you might or should do this. Tell the world you DEFINITELY will do this. Put yourself into this 100 percent. Tell everyone you know. Email them. Put it on your blog. Post it up at your home and work place. This positive public pressure will help motivate you. 

4. Set up rewards. It’s best to reward yourself often the first week, and then reward yourself every week for that first month. Make sure these are good rewards, that will help motivate you to stay on track. 

5. Plan to beat your urges. It’s best to start out by monitoring your urges, so you become more aware of them. Track them for a couple days, putting a tally mark in a small notebook every time you get an urge. Write out a plan, before you get the urges, with strategies to beat them. We all have urges to quit — how will you overcome it? What helps me most are deep breathing and drinking water. You can get through an urge — it will pass. 

6. Track and report your progress. Keep a log or journal or chart so that you can see your progress over time. It’s very motivating to see how far you’ve come. 

The biggest tip of all: Always stay positive. I learned to monitor my thoughts, and if I saw any negative thoughts I would squash it and replace it with a positive thought. If you think negative thoughts, you will definitely fail. But if you always think positive, you will definitely succeed. 

This new video from warns how to avoid the "unhealthy use of 


 "The only thing that stands between a person and what they want from life is often merely the will to TRY it and the faith to BELIEVE that it is possible."- Anthony Robbins 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Develop Your Mind: Practice the Law of Multiplication

To succeed in life, you have to cultivate contentment, and keep building on who you are and what you have. Only then can you lead the life you want.

Being content doesn’t mean being resigned. It means appreciating the life you have now, rather than focusing on what you don’t have.


Everyone is given a certain potential for success, and certain unique qualities, at birth. Life consists of discovering and developing them to the fullest.

The first thing you need to do is appreciate your own existence. Of course, it’s not always easy, and there are obstacles you’ll need to overcome.

Suffering is a state-of-mind. Thinking that one day your life will be perfect and you’ll have no more problems will only add to your suffering, because it’s impossible not to have problems, whereas happiness comes from knowing how to solve them.

One way of attaining true happiness, which has nothing to do with dreaming about a life without problems, is to practice contentment.

First, appreciate the simple fact that you’re alive. It’s so obvious few of us really think about it. We take the fact of being alive completely for granted. But every life has a beginning and an end.

You shouldn’t wait for the end of your life to consider its value, but do it here and now, each and every day. Being aware of the value of your life is the first step towards attaining true happiness.


Often, the key to solving our problems is much easier to find than we think. We all have abilities we’re not aware of, or don’t dare exploit, even though they could lead us to wealth, and the life we dream about. Practicing the Law of Multiplication will lead you to the path of success in all areas of your life. 

 Many people, of all social standings, no matter how rich they are when they start out (and they’re sometimes very poor) learn to take control of their lives and get themselves on track for success, which they attain by applying a simple cosmic Law: the Law of Multiplication. 

Everything in this world is made to multiply. People reproduce to preserve the human species. The seeds we plant are destined to grow into plants and provide us with fruits, vegetables, flowers and trees. Self-multiplication is a natural Law that exists everywhere in the Universe. 

 If you don’t take care of a garden, it may grow wild, but it will grow. If you do care for the garden, you can organize the proliferation of nature, and make your garden look the way you want. The same applies to your life. 

 Every day hundreds and even thousands of thoughts run through your mind. 

If you don’t pay attention to a thought by focusing on it, it will soon pass and be replaced by another one. But if you decide to stop and concentrate on one idea, it can occupy your entire mind and make you obsessed. 

Being obsessed is a good thing when your ideas are positive and creative, since they’ll generate more positive thoughts, words and deeds. But if a thought is negative, it could result in words and deeds that are harmful to you, and to others. 

Try not to hold on to the negative thoughts that enter your mind. Just let them go, and move on to the next. If you don’t concentrate on the negative, it will pass. But if a thought is positive, you should concentrate on it, and generate more positive ideas. If you do that, the Law of Multiplication will work to your advantage.